
Provides a PHP class around PHP curl object and Psr18 client based on the curl library

v0.3.3 2023-06-14 15:53 UTC


This project tends to implements an Object oriented PHP cURL client and provides a PSR18 implementation based on the cURL client object.


Recommended way to install the library is by using PHP package manager composer running the command below:

composer require drewlabs/curl-client


The library comes with 2 cURL client, the 1st being an object oriented cURL class and PSR18 compatible client based on PHP cURL library.

OOP cURL client

To create a new instance of the client, use the class constructor:

use Drewlabs\Curl\Client;

// Creates an instance of the cURL client
$client = new Client();

This will create a new client instance and initialize a new curl session. Developpers can pass a base url to the client instance to define the host server url:

use Drewlabs\Curl\Client;

// Creates an instance of the cURL client
$client = new Client('');

/ Passing request options to the cURL client
$client = new Client([
    'base_url' => '',
    'headers' => [
        'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
    'cookies' => [
        'clientid' => '...',
        'clientsecret' => '...'

// Create request client with a base URL
$client = new Client('');

Curl Options

cURL options allow developpers to customize cURL request sent to the application server. Using Client::setOption() or Client::setOptions() for array like options, developpers can customize cURL requests being sent to the server.

use Drewlabs\Curl\Client;

// Creates an instance of the cURL client
$client = new Client(/* Parameters */);

$client->setOption(\CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, false);
$client->setOption(\CURLOPT_WRITE, function($curl, $write) {
    // Listener for response output from the curl session

In order to pass cURL options as array, we use the setOptions() array method:

use Drewlabs\Curl\Client;

// Creates an instance of the cURL client
$client = new Client(/* Parameters */);

    \CURLOPT_URL            => '',
    \CURLOPT_HEADER         => false,

Sending cURL request

The client provides developpers with Client::send() method to send HTTP request to server:

use Drewlabs\Curl\Client;

// Creates an instance of the cURL client
$client = new Client(/* Parameters */);

// ... Use pre-configure cURL options

// Passing request options
    'headers' => [
        'Content-Type' => 'application/json'
    'body' => [
        'title' => 'Hello World'

// To specify the request url when sending the request
$client->send('GET', '');

// or simply a path
$client->send(null, '/api/posts');

// To override or provide the request method
$client->send('POST', '/api/posts');

Sometimes you may have constructed the curl request and wish to simply execute the curl request. To do so the client mimic the curl exec() method by providing Client::exec() method for sending request to server.

use Drewlabs\Curl\Client;

// Creates an instance of the cURL client
$client = new Client(/* Parameters */);

$this->setOption(CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, [
    'Content-Type: application/json',
    'Accept: */*'
$client->setOption(\CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode([/* JSON fields*/]));

// Execute the Curl request
  • Helper methods

The client comes with some helper method for basic curl HTTP options like, CURLOPT_URL, \CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, \CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION etc... Below is a brief API definition for most common use cases:

Client::setRequestUri(string $url) - Set the request URI Client::setRequestMethod(string $method) - Set the request method Client::setProtocolVersion(string $version) - Set the HTTP protocol version Client::withAutoReferer() - Automatically set the auto referer header where it follows redirect Client::followLocation() - Follows any location redirect unless \CURLOPT_MAXREDIR is sets. Client::maxRedirects(int $n) - The number of redirect to be followed by the cURL client Client::proxy($proxy, $port = null, $username = null, $password = null) - Defines an HTTP proxy through which the request is forwarded. Client::setUserAgent($user_agent) - Defines the request user agent Client::timeout(int $milliseconds) - Timeout the request for a given milliseconds Client::verifyHost() - Make sure the cURL client validate host domain and SSL certificate

Note By default the cURL connection is closed the PHP runtime when the object is destructed. If developper which to close the curl session, or reset cURL parameters, the instance provides with close() and release() method for each specific case:

use Drewlabs\Curl\Client;

// Creates an instance of the cURL client
$client = new Client(/* Parameters */);

// Sending the cURL request

// Closing the cURL session

// or reset cURL resources