
PDO Debugging & Benchmarking Tools

3.0.0 2022-12-10 15:49 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-23 03:42:01 UTC


Packagist version PHP from Packagist GitHub license GitHub issues Packagist



PHP 8.0.* ‾‾ 3.0.0

PHP ^7.4 ‾‾ 2.3.0

PHP >=7.3 < 7.4 ‾‾ 2.2.0

PHP >=7.2.5 < 7.3 ‾‾ 2.1.0

PHP ^7.0 ‾‾ 2.0.0

PHP ^5.6 ‾‾ 1.2.0

PHP ^5.5 ‾‾ 1.1.0

PHP ^5.4 ‾‾ 1.0.0


Run composer require deepeloper/pdo-debugging.


Allows to collect following benchmarks per PDO connection:

  • Global:
    • queries count/time;
    • preparation count/time;
    • fetching count/time;
    • commits count/time;
    • roll back count/time;
    • sum of time calling:
      • PDO::__construct();
      • PDO::beginTransaction();
      • PDO::commit();
      • PDO::exec();
      • PDO::prepare();
      • PDO::query();
      • PDO::rollBack();
      • PDOStatement::execute();
      • PDOStatement::fetch*();
  • Statement:
    • queries count/time;
    • fetching count/time;
    • sum of time calling:
      • PDOStatement::execute();
      • PDOStatement::fetch*().

Benchmarking usage

use deepeloper\PDO\PDOExcavated;

$pdo = new PDOExcavated(
        PDOExcavated::ATTR_DEBUG => [],

$stmt = $pdo->query("SELECT 1");

$stmt = $pdo->prepare("SELECT ?");
$stmt->bindValue(1, 100500, PDO::PARAM_INT);

echo "Global benchmarks: ";
echo "\nStatement benchmarks: ";print_r($stmt->getBenchmarks());
echo sprintf("\nLast query: %s\n", $stmt->getLastExecutedQuery());

will output:

Global benchmarks: Array
    [query] => Array
            [count] => 2
            [time] => ...
    [prepare] => Array
            [count] => 1
            [time] => ...
    [fetch] => Array
            [count] => 2
            [time] => ...
    [commit] => Array
            [count] => 1
            [time] => ...
    [rollBack] => Array
            [count] => 1
            [time] => ...
    [total] => Array
            [time] => ...

Statement benchmarks: Array
    [query] => Array
            [count] => 1
            [time] => ...
    [fetch] => Array
            [count] => 1
            [time] => ...
    [total] => Array
            [time] => ...

Last query: SELECT 100500


Allows to process next methods calls:

  • PDO::__construct();
  • PDO::beginTransaction();
  • PDO::commit();
  • PDO::exec();
  • PDO::prepare();
  • PDO::query();
  • PDO::rollBack();
  • PDOStatement::execute().

Allows to log queries with replaced placeholders from next methods:

  • PDO::exec();
  • PDO::query();
  • PDOStatement::execute().

Debugging usage

use deepeloper\PDO\LoggerInterface;
use deepeloper\PDO\PDOExcavated;

class Logger implements LoggerInterface
     * Logs message.
     * @param string $message
     * @return void
    public function log($message, array $scope)
        echo "$message\n";

$dsn = "...";
$username = "...";
$password = "...";

$logger = new Logger();
$pdo = new PDOExcavated(
        PDOExcavated::ATTR_DEBUG => [
            'logger' => $logger,
             * Defaults.
             * @see deepeloper\PDO\ExcavatingTrait::$debuggingOptions
            'format' => [
                'timeStamp' => "Y-m-d H:i:s",
                'count' => "%03d",
                'precision' => "%.05f",
                'call'  => "[ %TIME_STAMP% ] [ %DSN%;user=%USER_NAME% ] [ %EXECUTION_TIME% ] [ CALL  ] [ %SOURCE%(%ARGS%) ]",
                'query' => "[ %TIME_STAMP% ] [ %DSN%;user=%USER_NAME% ] [ %EXECUTION_TIME% ] [ QUERY ] [ #%COUNT% ] [ %SOURCE% ] [ %QUERY% ]",
            'sources' => [

$pdo->exec("UPDATE `test` SET `foo` = 0");

$stmt = $pdo->query("SELECT 1");

$stmt = $pdo->prepare("SELECT ?");
$stmt->bindValue(1, 100500, PDO::PARAM_INT);

will output:

[ ****-**-** **:**:** ] [ $dsn;user=$username ] [ *.***** ] [ CALL  ] [ PDOExcavated::__construct(["$dsn","$username"]) ]
[ ****-**-** **:**:** ] [ $dsn;user=$username ] [ *.***** ] [ QUERY ] [ #001 ] [ PDOExcavated::exec ] [ UPDATE `test` SET `foo` = 0 ]
[ ****-**-** **:**:** ] [ $dsn;user=$username ] [ *.***** ] [ QUERY ] [ #002 ] [ PDOExcavated::query ] [ SELECT 1 ]
[ ****-**-** **:**:** ] [ $dsn;user=$username ] [ *.***** ] [ CALL  ] [ PDOExcavated::prepare(["SELECT ?"]) ]
[ ****-**-** **:**:** ] [ $dsn;user=$username ] [ *.***** ] [ QUERY ] [ #003 ] [ PDOStatementExcavated::execute ] [ SELECT 100500 ]

If you wish to log only queries, pass following 'sources' section:

            'sources' => [

If source started with "/" it will be processed like regular expression, otherwise will be compared like string.

Customizing debugging

You can customize log message scope and process result message before logging:

use deepeloper\PDO\LoggerInterface;
use deepeloper\PDO\PDOExcavated;
use deepeloper\PDO\PDOStatementExcavated;

class class PDOExcavatedExtended extends PDOExcavated
     * Allows to customize log message scope.
     * @param array &$scope
     * @return void
     * @see ExcavatingTrait::after()
    protected function scope(array &$scope)
        $scope['FOO'] = __METHOD__;

     * Prepares query for logging.
     * @param string &$query
     * @return void
     * @see ExcavatingTrait::after()
    protected function prepareQueryForLogging(&$query)
        // Modify query here.

     * Method used to replace PDOStatementExcavated by possible child.
     * @param string $template
     * @param PDOStatementExcavated $stmt
     * @return PDOStatementExcavatedExtended
     * @see self::getResultStatement()
    protected function getStatement($template, PDOStatement $stmt)
        return new PDOStatementExcavatedExtended($template, $this, $stmt);

class PDOStatementExcavatedExtended extends PDOStatementExcavated
     * Allows to customize log message scope.
     * @param array &$scope
     * @return void
     * @see ExcavatingTrait::after()
    protected function scope(array &$scope)
        $scope['FOO'] = __METHOD__;

     * Prepares query for logging.
     * @param string &$query
     * @return void
     * @see ExcavatingTrait::after()
    protected function prepareQueryForLogging(&$query)
        // Modify query here.

class Logger implements LoggerInterface
     * Logs message.
     * @param string $message
     * @param array $scope
     * @return void
    public function log($message, array $scope)
        echo "$message\n";

$dsn = "...";
$username = "...";
$password = "...";

$logger = new Logger();
$pdo = new PDOExcavatedExtended(
        PDOExcavated::ATTR_DEBUG => [
            'logger' => $logger,
            'format' => [
                'call'  => "%FOO%",
                'query' => "%FOO%",

$pdo->exec("UPDATE `test` SET `bar` = ''");
$pdo->query("SELECT 1");
$stmt = $pdo->prepare("SELECT ?, ?");
$stmt->bindValue(1, 100500, PDO::PARAM_INT);
$stmt->bindValue(2, "blah");

will output:
